Stacie G. Boswell, DVM, DACVS-LA
In the United States alone, it is estimated that almost 150,000 horses per year are unwanted. This number grows exponentially when you consider horses worldwide. What is “unwanted”? The term is used to refer to horses that are old, injured, sick, unmanageable, or fail to meet expectations. The horse may have a lameness or illness…or he could just be the wrong color or gender. His problem could be life-threatening…or chronic and manageable. He may have a mild behavioral problem…or a severe one.
The good news is, today, more and more individuals are choosing to give an unwanted horse a second chance. Whether through purchase, adoption, or rescue, the horse in the “wrong” situation has a chance to find his way to the “right one.” Dr. Stacie Boswell’s goal is to restore health and comfort to every horse in transition, and to help him learn how to function as the horse he is expected to be—from the Thoroughbred off the track to the grade pony from the field down the road. She has compiled hundreds of case studies highlighting the areas of concern in the horse “in need,” and in these pages details proactive methods of handling common medical problems and health issues, from nutrition and dentistry to deworming and hoofcare to traumatic injury and emergency rescue scenarios. Dr. Boswell then explains the ways that, as a new horse is rehabilitated physically, specific training techniques can help him adapt to the positive changes in his care and environment.


This book “…is packed with extremely valuable information for not only equine rescues, but a book that horse owners in general can also glean a lot from. She takes a pragmatic and all-inclusive approach to explaining the good, the bad, and the ugly involved when it comes to operating an equine rescue successfully.”
Ashley Harkins
Dr. Stacie Boswell is a veterinarian driven to make the world a better place for the horses in it.

Every horse deserves somebody to love him.
The horse situation in the United States – and the world – is in flux. These wonderful, sentient beings should have kindness and respect. I hope this book helps you, help your horse.
Stacie G. Boswell
Book Author, Veterinarian at Hardaway Veterinary Hospital.